Artmap Argyll is a network and membership organisation open to professional and aspiring artists alike. They help artists network with each other and to share their work and experience with a wider audience.
The 2023 Open Studios event will be taking place this year from Saturday 19 to Monday 28 August.
I will be exhibiting with textile artist Deborah Gray, multi-media artist Val Hamilton, photographer Ewen Munro, and wildlife artist Ira Theobold. We will be exhibiting at The Rockfield Centre, Oban Venue 14.
Waiting For Lignum Vitae
The elephant started his adventure on the bin lorry to the dump. Here it was picked up and thrown around by a JCB, before being run through the processor and chewed up a lot more. His adventure took him to the clamps where he nested in between 60 and 85 degrees centigrade for at least two or three months. He was discovered by a lone treasure hunter who saw the plight this poor elephant had found himself in and was then passed onto treasure hunter’s granny, who saw his inner beauty.